Personal Coaching

Coaching Focus – Personal Self Management

Want a life that runs really smooth?  A life that is not riddled with stress, drama and upsets? Truth is you can have it, but it requires personal self-management. This is a far better thing to do than just make another New Year’s resolution.

What do I mean by personal management? Managing yourself, your person, properly. Yes, you have been doing that all of your adult life but somehow external things keep messing things up. Or is that really what happens? To have a life that is not riddled with stress, drama and upsets you simply (or not so simply) need to have what you need when you need it. That’s more than a mouth full, it is a truism that when you need something and it is there for you when you need it, all will be right because you CAN respond in a timely way, and only if you will do it in a timely way.

There are five things we always need in reserve, so the bigger your reserve in each of these areas, the better you can respond. They are reserves of time, money, people, space and opportunities.

Example 1: Your car breaks down and you don’t have a tow service number on your cell phone, you don’t have the extra money to pay for repairs and you can’t afford to be absent from work. That is being up the creek without a paddle. Change the scenario and when there is an auto policy with a tow service and money is no problem you have just experienced an inconvenience, not a major shake up of your week!

“In the absence of personal management
you don’t get to have what you need when you need it.”

Example 2: You just lost your purse with your car keys and all your IDs and credit cards but you have a list of cards and their emergency contact numbers; you have a friend to come over and help you get you and your car safely home. The stress is minimal, yes inconvenient but not threatening and life quickly gets back to normal.

Make time work for you instead of against you. Keep a regular schedule and plan out your week and month but review the month at the beginning of each week to verify your plans for each week. Be prompt to add to or edit your schedule as needed so all is current. This way you never get caught off guard getting things done on time, or in advance.

Have a healthy body that will take you through life without unexpected problems and costly bills. Avoid unhealthy lifestyles and keep expanding your knowledge on how to stay fit and healthy. Like they say: “Health is not an accident… and neither is sickness.”

Learn to pay yourself first by saving 25% of your income (yes, that is right, not just 10%) and build excessive reserves; much more than you think you ever need. The reason you haven’t been saving is because you really haven’t focused on doing that. How do you save 25%? It begins with spending management on what you “need” and not what you “want” so the savings have always been there; chose not to squander your income. When you get to have six months financial reserves there is a major transformation that takes place at the very core of your being that starts to show in every aspect of your life.

Lastly, be that real person you know deep inside of you who loves to be around people. This will build a strong network of people who will bring unexpected opportunities your way. When opportunity meets preparedness magic happens!

Live a magical and happy life because you deserve it but you have to work on it, really.

Yours in Real Life,

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