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Chiropractic Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Ways to avoid getting sick.

Ways to avoid getting sick. How is it that when the body is exposed to a germ (virus or bacteria or other pathogen) not everybody gets sick? Scientists concluded that the average human body contains approximately 37.2 trillion cells. The human body also contains trillions of microorganisms — outnumbering human cells by 10 to 1. Of course, your body will have more or fewer cells than that total, depending upon how your size compares to the average human being, but…

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Wellness, general

Chiropractic: A Valuable Healthcare Investment

Chiropractic: A Valuable Healthcare Investment Quality healthcare is never a cost but rather a valuable investment. When people in the Philippines seek top notch medical care they often feel they have to fly to Hong Kong or Singapore. Fortunately, Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics has imported the quality USA doctors right here in Manila. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Metabolic Syndrome Stage 2 Vs Stage 3

Metabolic Syndrome Stage 2 Vs Stage 3 This is session 3 of 3 that we are writing on a series introducing a health focus concept revolving around the term or state of the body’s metabolic status otherwise referred to as Metabolic Syndrome (MSy). There are 5 stages to MSy and we will contrast Stage 2 and 3 this week to conclude the series. We advise you to read the previous blogs on Stage 0 Vs Stage 5 and Stage 1…

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Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Sedentary epidemic

Sedentary life-styles of today are at epidemic levels and are contributing to many neuromusculoskeletal problems as well as a principal contributor to the highest incidence of Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin resistance in history. Where will people seek help from this epidemic? Today they have two choices: the customary drugs and surgery professions OR the natural and alternative professions; chiropractors being the most formally educated of this latter group. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…

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Chiropractor and the Family Doctor

In the healthcare world today we find that the career trend in medicine is to push most doctors into specialty care. A specialist is someone who knows more and more about less and less, and this is all good except that when too many doctors are becoming specialists, who is going to be the family doctor? The other intended effect of medical specialization is the increase in prescription of the more expensive drugs. As much as there is a need…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Nutritional Health Personal Coaching Product Review Spinal Health Wellness, general


Happy 2nd Anniversary docMIKE Blog! This month we will reach 160 blogs published for the benefit of our followers. Every month we take note of the different topics asked by our patients and the community at large to plan out which blogs to write that month. Sometimes a different conversation puts one subject ahead of the line and we post that same week. As time goes on we are finding that our chiropractors are now referring to docMIKEblog daily as our patient…

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Wellness, general

RIP Jam Sebastian

It was almost exactly one year ago that I received a text from Jam that he was diagnosed with lung cancer. As his Chiropractor, he asked me if I knew of natural methods to treat cancer as he didn’t want to undergo chemotherapy and to find a less toxic way to heal from the cancer. I recommended a consultation with a couple naturopathic doctors for their advice. In his case, the cancer was already too advanced and medical care was…

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Wellness, general

The 80 to 90 Year Old Story

HAPPY NEW YEAR! To all our faithful reader, fans and followers, may you realize all the blessings and benefits of making all the right choices and actions in 2015. Last week we touched on the alternative life scenario whereby one denies themselves 20 good years of living by failing to avoid all the wrong things and by avoiding to do all the right things. Life is a gift, a special gift God gives us to share love with others, to…

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docMIKE promotes Chiropractic Education

Speaking with Dr. Guy Riekeman, President of Life University – the world’s largest Chiropractic College, docMIKE Tetrault proposed that an educational think tank be formed to assist poorer countries with their desire to have a Chiropractic College of their own. Until this Consortium of experts is convened to take a serious look at the challenges of starting up new schools in poorer countries, we will see much of the random results we see today in new school start-ups. This project…

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Fitness Health Nutritional Health Personal Coaching Wellness, general


Happy 1st Anniversary docMIKE Blog! What is a perfect 10? Well, for me, its being on top of my game. It’s being able to face everyday with the energy I need to care for each patient on an individual basis. As a chiropractor my daily routines are quite physical, realigning spines, and also less physical but quite mental/intellectual in counselling my patients regarding their physical limitations. It is also getting involved with wellness counselling that brings my patients up a…

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