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Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

How to set up your home office

How to set up your home office (with good posture and health in mind) We can actually start discussing post-COVID-19 realities. The uncertainties that follow has resulted in many private schools in the Philippines switching to home schooling with electronic classes and cloud assignments. The business world that has successfully switched to telecommuting during this quarantine period may also decide to to have that personnel continue to operate from home and only come to the company offices once a week.…

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Wellness, general

Ergonomics in Action

With so many Call Centers in operation in the Philippines it is not surprising that an industry focused on International telecom service solutions recognizes the need to address repetitive postural stress aspect of their workforce. This week the Philippine College of Science and Technology invited me to present information on Posture and Ergonomics to their students, to their faculty and to the corporate partners in Industry. In the same week I was approached by the makers of BackJoy to work…

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