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Nutritional Health

Fitness Health Nutritional Health Personal Coaching Wellness, general


Happy 1st Anniversary docMIKE Blog! What is a perfect 10? Well, for me, its being on top of my game. It’s being able to face everyday with the energy I need to care for each patient on an individual basis. As a chiropractor my daily routines are quite physical, realigning spines, and also less physical but quite mental/intellectual in counselling my patients regarding their physical limitations. It is also getting involved with wellness counselling that brings my patients up a…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

5 Essentials – Proper Nutrition

On the scale of one (1) to ten (10) with ten being optimal, rate yourself on how well you are doing your nutrition. RATE: ____ When we think about living a healthier life, the first area we have immediate control over is food. Here one can start to see immediate improvements by making very appropriate choices that have been neglected for some time. See Video on this Topic. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…

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Chiropractic Fitness Health Nutritional Health Personal Coaching Spinal Health Wellness, general

Wellness focus – Five (5) Essentials of Health

If I was to ask you: “How do you rate your health at this time?“ Your answer could be reasonably accurate or it would be quite awkward to provide a good answer to that question. So, let’s make it easier to be somewhat more accurate in self-assessing your health rating by looking at the five different areas of your health that are required to stay healthy. By healthy I don’t necessarily mean “fit and healthy” or some doctor’s or health writer’s version…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

Wellness Focus – Juicing is Hyper-nutrition

Earlier this year I wrote about an Australian businessman, Joe Cross, who saved his life by starting to juice his nutrition. (Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead)  Since then I have had several conversations with people who have begun juicing as part of their regular health regimen and the time has come that I have decided to place my entire family on a hyper-nutrition program. Living in Manila, identified as one of the most polluted cities on this planet, my family…

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Fitness Health Nutritional Health Wellness, general

Wellness focus – Concerns about weight?

The dangers of obesity are a greater health risk today than smoking. How to smartly normalize your weight without dieting is a matter of making right choices and it’s all about energy maintenance and energy balance. Start by correct guidance on food choices and then guidance on energy management. It’s basic arithmetic – too much energy consumed means you gain weight while equal energy consumed to energy expended means your weight stays the same. To lose weight you have to consume less…

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Fitness Health Nutritional Health Spinal Health Wellness, general

Osteoporosis (D3 & Exercise VS Calcium and Hormones)


Mary is approaching her mid 40’s and is concerned about early menopause and its related osteoporosis so she fully expects that her MD will put her on hormone replacement therapy. That’s what conventional thinking tells us right? When a woman gets above 45 she will suffer osteoporosis from menopause. What if that is not true? What if osteoporosis has mostly nothing to do with the lowered estrogen levels that causes menopause? Long-term studies show that women who were athletic as teenage girls…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

Nutritional Supplements

The Wellings live in a major urban center and unfortunately their city is one of the most polluted cities on the planet (no joke). Normally, if a person lives right with healthy food and regular exercise habits it is reasonable to expect that they can get by without having to take food supplements to stay healthy. That is not the case when a family lives where they are exposed to daily pollution. There are three reasons why we almost all need…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

Insulin Resistance is Caused by Fat in Muscles.

The WHO (World Health Organization) has warned that Diabetes Type 2 (caused by improper lifestyles) has reached epidemic proportions; some regions of the world at greater risk than others, mostly due to geographic and economic factors. The focus on Diabetes by western Medicine is to manage blood glucose levels. This is a failed formula and that is the principal reason why the incidence of Diabetes-related illnesses are also on the rise. Type 2 Diabetes is caused by Insulin Resistance also…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

About Fruits and Vegetables

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says: “Eat more fruits and vegetables.” You’ve likely heard this statement since childhood but when we ask people they confess that they only half listened since they just eat more fruit. To get the correct point across governments should amend the message to “Eat more vegetables and some fruit.” Why? Fruits are digested into simple sugars that can still contribute to obesity. Shocked? When the rate of obesity has increased 300% over the past 30 years there must be…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes

Ever notice how people seem to get fatter with age and that people also become Diabetic after a certain age? If this happens in your family it’s kind of expected that you will follow the same fate. Sadly, this is an entirely volunteer situation. What am I saying? I am saying that it is incorrect to assume that as you get older you just naturally get fatter and sicker. (That should be welcome news!) Researchers have been mentioning for a…

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