Monthly Archives

November 2016

Wellness, general

President Duterte’s Neck Problem

President Duterte’s Neck Problem President Duterte is frequently seen on TV being interviewed or making speeches and he has what may seem to some as a nervous tic on the right side of his neck. Looking at this interview photo we see, as we see so many times, how he props up the right side of his head. As a spinal expert I see that as a sign of cervical instability. Chiropractors learn a lot about body biomechanics, biochemistry, physiology…

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Wellness, general

Fat Vs. Thin Imagery Worth Seeing

Fat Vs. Thin imagery worth seeing As America is about to celebrate its annual Thanksgiving Holiday this month and as there are 101 reasons to retouch this topic, people really need to confront the reality that being fat is not good for your health. Governments are stepping up the aversion factors in cigarette labelling requiring pictures of lung cancer to be displayed on the outer packaging of cigarette boxes. Imagine if we really looked the same economic and disease reality of…

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Wellness, general

Leg pain and the Piriformis Syndrome

Leg pain and the Piriformis Syndrome Slipped disks, pinched nerves and misaligned vertebra or twisted pelvis are commonly associated with leg pain. The one cause that is often overlooked is the Piriformis Syndrome. Often, when a patient presents themselves to a doctor with this kind of leg pain the examination is limited to the lumbar spine. Big mistake! The pelvis is frequently involved either directly or indirectly as a complicating factor in leg pain conditions; and this includes the piriformis…

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Wellness, general

Mabuhay Chiropractic Angels

Chiropractic Angels On the anniversary of the Tetrault’s 10th year in the Philippines, noted by Mabuhay Chiropractic Clinics opening the doors of its 6th branch at the Mall Of Asia (MOA) on Nov 1st, one of our chiropractic angels dropped by to give us a cheer and encouragement. That was Belle! That made me think about the fact that we have several chiropractic angels like Belle. There are our longstanding CAs like Bernalin, Judy, Gemma and coming behind is Wheng. Also…

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