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The Elderly And Chiropractic Care

The Elderly And Chiropractic Care It is common knowledge that throughout life we go through minor or even major injuries. But nature – being as powerful as it is – we heal. However, we rarely heal 100%. So decade by decade small problems accumulate and linger. As we age we experience more disability or reduced ability. Aging specialists have determined that INFLAMMATION is the principal cause of aging. Reducing inflammation is how to delay this process. Chiropractic care helps to reduce…

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Wellness, general

Leg pain and the Piriformis Syndrome

Leg pain and the Piriformis Syndrome Slipped disks, pinched nerves and misaligned vertebra or twisted pelvis are commonly associated with leg pain. The one cause that is often overlooked is the Piriformis Syndrome. Often, when a patient presents themselves to a doctor with this kind of leg pain the examination is limited to the lumbar spine. Big mistake! The pelvis is frequently involved either directly or indirectly as a complicating factor in leg pain conditions; and this includes the piriformis…

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Spondylolisthesis – Chiropractic Focus

Spondylolisthesis Now that is a mouthful of 17 letters. No wonder they call this a $50 word. The term Spondylolisthesis is a scientific label or diagnosis of the condition in which one vertebral body is slipped forward over another. The condition may have started in infancy or it may be congenital. There is little to no pain in most cases until there is further instability of the spinal segments involved and the pain sensitive tissues like muscles, ligaments, nerves, cartilage and…

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Chiropractor and the Orthopedic Surgeon

In healthcare circles there are professions that do not always see eye to eye. Chiropractic has earned the trust of the public, the healthcare agencies, the insurance industries and government programs, as a well-educated and proper healthcare disciplines.The Chiropractic focus has always been on the spine and nerves and when the general public seeks professional help they are encountering two very different philosophies of health care in this areas of service: the orthopedic surgeon and the chiropractor. If you liked…

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What Causes Low Back Pain or Pelvic Pain?

David loves to push life to the limit and doesn’t have time to stop for minor soreness of the lower back area, but these episodes seem to be happening more often and lasting longer, not to mention the pain is greater now. Truth is 80 % of people suffer lower back pain sometime in their life. It could happen from a slip and fall injury, over exertion during an activity at work or sports, a gradual weakness resulting from posture…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health Wellness, general

Slipped Disc

Slipped Disc with Pinched Nerve

Paul suffers from lower back pain and the doctors said he had a slipped disc. The lower back, the lumbar region of the spine, is the most common area where intervertebral discs will “slip” or more accurately bulge, herniate or rupture. Symptoms of lower back pain are present, with or without leg pain or numbness. Sounds serious? When the topic of spinal surgery is mentioned it becomes serious indeed. Complicated? Well it could be but fortunately there are spinal experts available to evaluate and…

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Spinal Health Wellness, general

Pain is Your Friend

Before we start on this subject let me explain that, although we refer to emotional suffering as pain, it is really suffering. Nerve Ending Pain is a physical thing but did you ever think that physical pain could be your friend? Well, if you think about it, we guess in some ways right? Therefore only seeking to make the pain go away without fixing the problem behind the pain raises issues of reasonable concern. What I am saying is that…

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Chiropractic Spinal Health

Chiropractic Focus – Spinal Discs (Back/Neck Pains with Leg/Arm Pain)

Slipped Disc with Pinched Nerve

Life is Great! As long as you have the strength and energy to undertake all the challenges that life places on your shoulders and spine. Eighty percent (80%) of the population will suffer from crippling lower back pain at some time in their life. So it is expected that some people will suffer an uncomplicated episode and other a much more complicated scenario is taking place, such as a slipped disc. Back pains come from inflamed soft tissues such as…

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