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Fitness Health Nutritional Health Wellness, general

The Carbohydrate Flush

Today’s cultural eating habits have been trumped and redesigned by the “Big Food Industry” which consist of the multinational companies that manipulate the world’s markets in food supply and by the growing number of fast food franchises. To speak plainly, consumers have been manipulated, their foods have been manipulated, altered and packaged to best serve to bottom line of Big Foods. One unfortunate side effect of this commercial manipulation is the rapid rise in the occurrence of Type 2 Diabetes.…

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Wellness, general

Colds & Flu – Natural Solutions

I grew up in Canada where winters are fierce and annual colds and flus are expected. However, now that I live in the hot and humid Philippines the frequency of colds and flus seems higher than freezing Canada. Strange isn’t it? So advice about how to take care of yourself when you experience a cold or a flu is a worthy topic for my blog… sort of a universal subject for my readers. If you liked this post, say thanks…

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Nutritional Health Personal Coaching Wellness, general

Weekly Veggie Day

Some years ago David and Martha Welling took a trip to Belgium where they found the town of Ghent was the first town in the world to go vegetarian at least once a week. They planned a regular weekly meatless day, in which civil servants and elected councillors opted for vegetarian meals. School children also followed suit with their own veggie day. If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it! Follow…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

Wellness Focus – Juicing is Hyper-nutrition

Earlier this year I wrote about an Australian businessman, Joe Cross, who saved his life by starting to juice his nutrition. (Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead)  Since then I have had several conversations with people who have begun juicing as part of their regular health regimen and the time has come that I have decided to place my entire family on a hyper-nutrition program. Living in Manila, identified as one of the most polluted cities on this planet, my family…

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Personal Coaching Product Review Wellness, general

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

Joe Cross Transformation

In our journey towards a Well Life we need to expand our exposure to new ideas and be motivated by exceptional individuals who stand out of the crowd with their achievements. On May 30, 2013 in Manila I attended a seminar by one such individual who has reversed his physical standing where the risk of experiencing Diabetes has been virtually eliminated, if his progress is sustained. Australian businessman Joe Cross tipped the scale at 310 pounds when he realized he needed to…

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Nutritional Health Wellness, general

About Fruits and Vegetables

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says: “Eat more fruits and vegetables.” You’ve likely heard this statement since childhood but when we ask people they confess that they only half listened since they just eat more fruit. To get the correct point across governments should amend the message to “Eat more vegetables and some fruit.” Why? Fruits are digested into simple sugars that can still contribute to obesity. Shocked? When the rate of obesity has increased 300% over the past 30 years there must be…

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